[Clean Energy Wire] Coal and conservatism: How Polish activists push for more climate action

Coal and conservatism: How Polish activists push for more climate action

“In 2018, we were still in a state of deep denialism of climate problems in Poland,” says activist Patryk Kowalczyk from XR Poland. “When I started at XR, the minister of energy said that CO2 in the atmosphere is good because trees grow faster, and the government was planning to build a new coal-fired power plant Ostrołęka C.”

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Whereas on a global level the group operates under the name “Catholic Climate Movement”, the Polish branch decided to call themselves the “Catholic Movement for the Environment.” According to operation manager Magdalena Kadziak and programme advisor Mateusz Piotrowski, the word “climate” could, in their opinion, bring a negative association of the cultural revolution some climate activists call for.

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