[Dagens Nyheter] Greta Thunberg in exclusive interview: ”The hope lies in the fact that people

Greta Thunberg in exclusive interview: ”The hope lies in the fact that people…

How do you want the change to happen?

– The hope lies in the fact that people don’t know what is going on. If we become aware, then change can happen. Democracy is everything. It goes on all the time, not only on election day. The changes that need to be made will not come from current parliaments or governments – or primarily from general elections. They will come from off year elections, extra elections, when people have had enough. At least, that is my conviction.

Can you see that happening?

– If, for example, the population of Sweden right now would say ”We have had enough!” and start protesting, then the government could fall very easy. Or be forced to accept the will of the people and fundamentally change their policies.

Greta Thunberg in exclusive interview - DN.SE.pdf (817,2 KB)