[vice.com] The Collapse of Civilization May Have Already Begun

The Collapse of Civilization May Have Already Begun

In the age of climate chaos, the collapse of civilization has moved from being a fringe, taboo issue to a more mainstream concern. […]
A growing number of experts not only point at the looming possibility that human civilization itself is at risk; some believe that the science shows it is already too late to prevent collapse. The outcome of the debate on this is obviously critical: it throws light on whether and how societies should adjust to this uncertain landscape.

Przekrojowy artykuł, w którym autor rozmawia z naukowcami na temat upadku cywilizacji spowodowanego kryzysem klimatycznym. Czy jest on nieunikniony, kiedy nastąpi, na jaką skalę i – najważniejsze – czy można mu choćby częściowo zapobiec.