[Washington Post] Greenland’s ice losses have septupled and are now in line with its highest sea-level scenario, scientists say

Greenland’s ice losses have septupled and are now in line with its highest sea-level scenario, scientists say

The recent Greenland losses, the experts suggest, match a more dire sea-level projection outlined by the United Nations’ chief climate science body, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Under that high-end scenario, Greenland could contribute about 16 centimeters, or around half a foot, to ocean levels by 2100.
“What that means is that really, the midrange scenario becomes what was
previously the upper scenario, and they will have to invent a new upper scenario, because one currently doesn’t exist,” Shepherd said.

Greenland’s glaciers are losing ice faster and faster, according to 26 separate satellite measurements and 89 scientists - The Washington Post.pdf (271,6 KB)